- В этом курсе Ян Робинсон представляет Adobe After Effects CS6 в мире анимации, эффектов и композитинга.
- Глава 1 представляет шесть основ After Effects, которые включают в себя такие понятия, как слои, ключевые кадры, рендеринг, и перемещение в 3D пространстве.
- Остальная часть курса расширяет эти идеи, и показывает, как строить композиции со слоями, выполнять ротоскопирования, анимацию композиции с ключевыми кадрами, добавлять эффекты и переходы, а также рендеринг и экспорт готового продукта.
- На примере двух проектов, продемонстрирует кадры манипуляция зеленого экрана и создания современных 3D композиции с расширенными 3D-инструментами, важным дополнением к CS6.
- Видеоурок на английском языке, для начинающих.
Adobe After Effects 1m 8s
What is After Effects? 1m 8s
Introduction 2m 53s
Welcome 1m 40s
Using the exercise files 1m 13s
1. Getting Started 1h 8m
The six foundations of AE 5m 3s
Introducing the interface and the workspace 7m 51s
Understanding compositions 8m 48s
Getting comfortable with layers 7m 33s
Getting started with animation and keyframes 8m 30s
Understanding effects 3m 26s
Moving in 3D space 7m 41s
Rendering your first animation 8m 20s
Specifying preferences and cache settings 5m 44s
Staying organized 5m 15s
2. Understanding Compositions 38m 6s
Creating compositions 7m 19s
Importing footage and compositions 7m 54s
Preparing compositions for animation 8m 7s
Introducing renderers 3m 15s
Understanding precomposing 7m 16s
Relinking missing footage 4m 15s
3. Building and Designing with Layers 59m 58s
Defining layers 6m 23s
Creating type 5m 58s
Creating layer solids and shapes with masks 7m 55s
Building shape layers 6m 17s
Understanding switches and blend modes 8m 26s
Crafting custom shapes and masks 6m 18s
Creating variable-width feathered masks 5m 1s
Rotoscoping with the Roto Brush 8m 20s
Refining with the Roto Brush 5m 20s
4. Animation 101 1h 8m
Understanding keyframes 6m 1s
Adding and adjusting keyframes 9m 54s
Interpolating keyframes 8m 5s
Adjusting keyframes in the Graph Editor 7m 17s
Understanding positional keyframes 7m 0s
Controlling animation with parenting and the pick whip 9m 57s
Understanding animation paths 6m 27s
Timing to audio 4m 41s
Trimming and sliding edits 5m 31s
Swapping images 4m 1s
5. Using Effects to Modify Layers 29m 7s
Layering multiple effects 9m 13s
Generating graphic effects with adjustment layers 7m 28s
Building backgrounds with effects 6m 50s
Creating animated strokes 5m 36s
6. Jumping into 3D 40m 15s
Introducing cameras 10m 3s
Working with 3D layers 6m 37s
Positioning layers 6m 13s
Adding lights and working with Material Options 9m 21s
Using 3D precompositions 2m 5s
Adjusting depth of field 5m 56s
7. Exporting and Rendering 28m 31s
Caching and prerendering 6m 33s
Understanding the alpha channels 5m 18s
Using the Render Queue 4m 34s
Rendering with Adobe Media Encoder 7m 15s
Archiving finished projects 4m 51s
8. Going in Depth with Type and Shapes 44m 27s
Creating type animators 12m 16s
Animating type in 3D space 6m 35s
Composing 3D type 8m 41s
Adding and animating type on a path 8m 45s
Animating shape layers 8m 10s
9. Video in Depth 32m 45s
Creating stylized video 6m 47s
Retiming video footage 9m 31s
Retouching with the Rubber Stamp tool 10m 19s
Smoothing shaky camera footage 6m 8s
10. Project: Keying Green Screen Footage 14m 19s
Understanding keying 3m 19s
Creating a garbage mask 4m 27s
Getting started with Keylight 6m 33s
11. Integrating External Projects 15m 56s
Importing Photoshop documents 6m 11s
Importing Illustrator files 4m 24s
Working With Premiere Pro projects 5m 21s
12. Project: Tracking and Advanced 3D 1h 15m
Adjusting ray-tracing quality 8m 19s
Tracking footage 8m 15s
Extruding shapes 8m 39s
Bending layers 8m 38s
Adjusting ray-traced lighting and materials 9m 22s
Adding environment maps 4m 58s
Beginning compositing 8m 52s
Creating render passes 10m 17s
Building a final composite 8m 14s
13. Conclusion 1m 8s
What's next 1m 8s
Сайт производителя: www.lynda.comГод выпуска: 2012
Автор: Ian Robinson
Язык: Английский
Качество: хорошее (960х540)
Размер: 1.5 Gb
Продолжительность: 8 ч 41 мин