Lesson 1
Introduction and project overview
Lesson 2
Examining the character's in Photoshop
Lesson 3
From Photoshop to After Effects
Lesson 4
Organizing your composition
Lesson 5
Creating arm bones with the Puppet tool
Lesson 6
Refining the arm and making cloth cuffs
Lesson 7
Copying one arm rig to the other
Lesson 8
Downloading Duik Tools
Lesson 9
Rigging a basic cutout character
Lesson 10
Attaching the arms to the shoulders
Lesson 11
Rigging the cuffs to respond realistically
Lesson 12
Controlling hand poses
Lesson 13
Rigging the shirt collar
Lesson 14
Rigging the neck
Lesson 15
Overview of working with the head
Lesson 16
Placing pins in the face
Lesson 17
Refining the mesh of the face
Lesson 18
Building sliders for facial expressions
Lesson 19
Working on teeth and eye brows
Lesson 20
Making the eyebrows react
Lesson 21
Tightening the facial expressions
Lesson 22
Rigging the lips
Lesson 23
Adding more expression sliders
Lesson 24
Creating a dynamic jaw
Lesson 25
Making a bouncy nose
Lesson 26
Making the nose sniff
Lesson 27
Facial wrinkles
Lesson 28
Cheek wrinkles
Lesson 29
Mouth wrinkles
Lesson 30
Fixing unwanted distortions
Lesson 31
Tweaking the face
Lesson 32
Rigging the tongue
Lesson 33
Working with animated layer masks
Lesson 34
Refining the blink layer mask
Lesson 35
Directing the character's gaze
Lesson 36
Adding new eye poses
Lesson 37
Shading the first eye
Lesson 38
Finishing the eye poses
Lesson 39
Importing the new eye poses
Lesson 40
Adjusting the eyebrows to work
Lesson 41
Fixing shading issues
Lesson 42
Animating the eyelids dynamically
Lesson 43
Making the blinks more real
Lesson 44
Refining the mouth and lips
Lesson 45
Troubleshooting puppet meshes
Lesson 46
Transferring the face controls
Lesson 47
Finishing the face control transfer
Lesson 48
Adding more controls to the body
Lesson 49
Adjusting the collar
Lesson 50
Rigging a collar
Lesson 51
Making the character breathe
Lesson 52
Setting up for FreeForm Pro
Lesson 53
Reviewing the scene hierarchy
Lesson 54
Making a 3D head
Lesson 55
Animating displacement maps
Lesson 56
Linking the 3D spaces
Lesson 57
Controlling 3D head rotations
Lesson 58
Controlling the teeth and tongue
Lesson 59
Connecting identical nulls
Lesson 60
Finishing up the facial controls
Lesson 61
Constructing the set
Lesson 62
Adding reflections to the glass
Lesson 63
Putting the character in the scene
Lesson 64
Finish building the set
Lesson 65
The properties of point lights
Lesson 66
Troubleshooting the shadows
Lesson 67
Casting shadows on the wall
Lesson 68
Adding dirt to the glass
Lesson 69
Animating the camera
Lesson 70
Finishing touches on the set lighting
Lesson 71
Adding markers to the soundtrack
Lesson 72
Animating breathing
Lesson 73
Managing your system memory
Lesson 74
Continue animating
Lesson 75
Refining the facial rig
Lesson 76
Animating the rest of the neck
Lesson 77
Animate the nose
Lesson 78
Animating the torso
Lesson 79
Animating 3D head rotations
Lesson 80
Adjusting the upper lip
Lesson 81
Faking a stop motion look
Lesson 82
Setting up motion blur
Lesson 83
Fixing an animated mask glitch
Lesson 84
Discussing the finished animation
- В этом курсе мы узнаем как собрать и детально анимировать персонажа в After Effects.
- Начнем курс с обзора файлов Photoshop (слоев) и сразу перейдем к работе в AE. Для риггинга персонажа мы воспользуемся интсрументом марионетка, нулл объектами, выражениями, инструментом Duik для обратной кинематикии и плагином FreeForm Pro для 3D головы.
- Отличный курс по созданию динамичной и проработанной анимациии персонажа средствами After Effects.
- Курс разбит на 3 части: 1ч. - Первые 30 уроков, 2ч. - 31-54, 3ч. - 55-84
Сайт производителя: www.digitaltutors.comГод выпуска: 2012
Автор: Dan Gies
Язык: Английский
Качество: отличное (HD)
Размер: 5 гб
Продолжительность: 12 ч 37 мин
Файлы примеров: присутствуют
Необходимый софт: Photoshop CS6, After Effects CS6, Duik Tools ver.13.0.2 и FreeForm Pro Plug-in for CS6