Projecting Attributes onto Landscape
Having built an easy controllable shape providing the data; learn techniques on how to project those attributes onto the landscape. Discover how to store height position data, falloff and how the Raysop can be used for a variety of application methods. Techniques will be demonstrated on how to change, re-mesh and modify the UV's of the landscape with tools such as subdivide controlled by the attributes.
Extending the Landscape Intersection Tool
There are differences in how to approach carving out the landscape and adding extra soil to level out the landscape. Here go into deeper detail on how to make differences based on the current situation.
Adjusting Tools for Carving & Creating Tunnels
Discover techniques for determining the inside and outside of a landscape. The current approach has too many limitations giving proper control on determining the length of the segment. In this tutorial section learn how to extend the curve segments in an accurate way.
Creating a Procedural Tunnel Profile
Identify how making a simplified procedural profile for carving out the tunnels together with improving the stability of the joint sop. This will allow the ability to create all sorts and varieties on the basic tunnel shape. Together with the tunnel profile and a tunnel entrance box the basic tunnel will have been created.
Applying Procedural UV Tiles
One of the most important things to avoid in texturing is repetition. In this section, learn about various techniques to match textures and UV sets so that the texture can provide a limitless amount of variation.
Connecting the Separate Segments
All texturing has been complete and now it's time to bring things together. Here learn how to bring the different sections together with nested for loops to ensure that all segments are being utilized.
Adding Elements in the Tunnel
When sweeping shapes it is often necessary to create shapes at the ends that are not just simple profiles. Receive a small overview on how to create end shapes to a swept profile with the proper orientation.
- Как хороший архитектор вы собираетесь создать наиболее экономически жизнеспособное строительство дорог над ландшафтом.
- Узнайте об основных подходах для выравнивания ландшафта. Начните с создания основной формы, при условии, чтобы позже иметь возможность изменять ландшафт.
Источник: cmiVFX.comАвтор: Kim Goossens
Качество: HD (высокое)
Язык: Английский
Продолжительность: 3 часа 52 минуты
Размер: 826 МБ