Mocap: Working with Motion Capture files such as the FBX format, this workshop takes you step-by-step through various techniques for creating animated elements from captured motion. Watch your motion design advance to new grounds with many possibilities to create natural flowing movement with your graphic components.
Main areas covered include: Spline Effector, Random Effector, Tracer, Sketch & Toon.
Halftone: Whether you wish to recreate a realistic print style halftone effect or build a giant stadium jumbotron structure, this workshop explores the numerous options available when working with image–based source material. Combining the power of the MoGraph Cloner in Grid Array mode, explore the potential the Shader Effector has to offer. Once integrated with the Color Shader, you will unleash unlimited possibilities for your own projects.
Main areas covered include: Sort Clones, Shader Effector, Color Shader, Formula
Flourish: Based upon the popular theme of heraldry, this workshop will provide you with a variety of strategies to assist in developing your ideas into real world projects. Link Effectors to regular Cinema4D objects to harness the power of MoGraph within your established animation techniques. Deform objects along any path with the Spline Wrap deformer. Animate multiple objects in sequence by utilising the Time Offset feature. This class is jam–packed with a huge combination of techniques you will use on a day-to-day basis.
Main areas covered include: Spline Wrap, Time Offset, Random Effector, Delay Effector, Xpresso Sample Effector Node, Stacked Materials, Stick Texture Tag, Step
Flocking: Need swarms of bees? Shoals of fish? Maybe you simply want to move with the crowd? This collection will point you in the right direction. Streaming with an abundance of opportunities, control the crowds of parameters with ease as you guide them towards your goal.
Main areas covered include: Spline Effector, Step Effector, Delay Effector, Random
DynamicLetters: Starting with the creation of a simple logo model, then breaking it apart polygon-by-polygon, a techni-coloured interior is revealed. Lit using Global Illumination and powered by dynamic forces, watch thousands of tiny letters, each an individual light source, falling, colliding and bouncing. After studying this workshop, the power of dynamics will be at your fingertips.
Main areas covered include: Rigid Body Tag, Plain Effector, Random Effector, PolyFX, Global
DancingMograph: Attach visible lights onto multiple object vertices and watch as your clones move to the rhythm of the beat. Channel the power of the Inheritance Effector as your objects morph from one to another, leaving a trail of ever decreasing light that flickers through the falloff. This workshop will guide you through the intricacies of some of the often misunderstood and rarely used MoGraph tools, such as the Matrix Object, Instance Object, Sound and Inheritance Effector. MoGraph Instance Object.
- В очередной серии уроков от дизайнера Тима Клэфама мы будем изучать различные возможности программы Cinema 4D и модуля Mograph для создания потрясающей 3D анимации. - Всего за 6 шагов мы освоим новые методики при работе с Mograph, которые будут полезными для вашей работы. - Также мы рассмотрим некоторые приемы при моделировании и текстурировании объекта, что приведет к увеличению эффективности при работе с Cinema 4D.
Производитель Год выпуска: 2010 Язык: Английский Качество: отличное Размер: 1,04 гб Продолжительность: около 8 часов Дополнительно: Файлы проекта присутствуют